Issue 17: We used to watch the rain together

A small audio package from me to you.

Dearest reader,

I trust this letter finds you as it leaves me, in good health. Eid Mubarak to everyone who’s been celebrating. And to everyone reading—may your years be diminished of fears & worries, and expanded with peace, connection, and inner enrichment across all its various forms.

Last night I recorded some improvised piano and guitar for a reel I posted later that night. The entire concept was freeform—there was no click track, no plan or structure guiding it. Also, I never actually recorded any guitar into Ableton—the only recording of the guitar layer I have access to was from the video camera footage used for the reel.

I felt kind of good about the concept afterward. It pulled me in in a way that felt unique. The outside world felt more distant while I was capturing the idea. I also received a note of encouragement from one of you in private that I really appreciated1.

I’d love to and intend to keep exploring some of the moods, emotions, and textures I was able to capture here. I’d also love for you to be able to access the concept from yesterday—here’s a raw draft of the piece.

Tomorrow’s my little brother’s last full day in Minneapolis before he heads back to school for some summer activities ahead of the fall, and we’ve been sharing some special moments together. Here are some photos from today.

That’s all I got for today. I hope you have a magnificent, rejuvenating weekend ahead of you.


  1. You know who you are. 😇